Robocall Prevention Service for Clients

Are you sick and tired of the robocalls and spam calls you get on your landline or mobile phone?


Are you sick and tired of the robocalls and spam calls you get on your landline or mobile phone? Lawmakers have passed legislation to address the problem, but there are a few actions you can take on your own.Bulk Vs offers Robocall Prevention for Clients that enable you to protect your enterprise and residential customers from receiving unwanted, disruptive robocalls.Let us show you how easy it can be to get started with robocall prevention. 


iSTIR/SHAKEN is a framework where the originating service provider attests to the validity of caller ID information and adds a cryptographically-signed caller ID authentication. At the other end of the call path, the terminating service provider checks the attestation, verifies the cryptographic signature and presents the verification status to the called party.Call authentication makes called parties trust authenticated caller ID. They’re more likely to answer such calls. Call authentication also makes the other robocall analytics methods above more effective.


Our software products provide APIs (application program interface) that you can use with your customer web portal to allow your customers to set up their own blacklists. You would need a web portal that authenticates subscribers before they can enter a request to block calls to their number from a specific calling number.The Shield service can also identify invalid calling numbers. You can configure similar responses when such calls are detected. For example, the CRTC has mandated that terminating service providers in Canada block calls with invalid calling numbers. The Shield service makes this easy.
