International Schools: Why They Are great Than Local Schools

Check out this blog to know more about why International Schools are great Than Local Schools


Education is one of the foremost priorities of families worldwide. Those with children often spend years planning for their child’s schooling and even save money specifically to put toward the cause. Becoming an expatriate family does not negate this priority - it only makes it more important!

Schooling varies wildly between countries. Finding a school where your child can get a top-quality education when you are living somewhere other than your native country can be difficult, especially when you’re not sure what the educational standards of the area where you’re living are. Even some international schools geared toward expatriates, specifically, can lack the kind of qualifications many families are looking for. 


Consistent Curriculum as a Priority for Families

Educational standards are drastically different from country to country. While some nations do their best to cooperate with global recommendations for education, it is simply impossible for every country to offer the same quality of education. 

For expatriate families, this can cause serious issues for children. When moving from one nation to another, the inconsistency between educational standards can lead to dramatic gaps in learning. These gaps can be hard to identify until much later in a child’s life.

International schools that target ex-pat children, specifically, are the best option to offer this kind of consistency. Using educational standards that will prevent learning gaps and deliver an education that is the same from one campus to another, these schools are a great way to ensure that your child is getting the best quality of education regardless of where your family relocates. 


Helping Expatriate Children Feel Settled and Centered 

Expatriate children often feel stressed and unsettled - so much so that the occurrence has its own name, ex-pat child syndrome. This can leave children feeling isolated and angry, leading to disruptive and potentially dangerous behaviors. 

How can you help your child cope with this issue? One important aspect is consistency - especially when it comes to interactions with their peers and their education. Familiar faces and settings can help a child feel more relaxed. They can also make school both more enjoyable and more beneficial for your child. 

International schools offer more of this feeling of consistency than local schools ever could. Because student bodies are primarily comprised of other expatriate kids, your child is likely to make friends more easily and feel deeper, more meaningful connections to others. They are also better able to focus on actually learning while in school - a big benefit for their future! 


An International Perspective for International Students

One of the perceived advantages of local schools for students who are members of expatriate communities is the exposure to the local culture. Families may believe that their children need this exposure to fit in with their communities and understand the world that they are a citizen of. However, many international schools actually offer both global and local studies. They also give students the opportunity to mingle with both local students and teachers and those from expatriate families. It gives them the kind of international perspective they need to succeed in the increasingly global economy of today and the future. 


When you’re ready to learn more about international schools and how they stand to benefit your family and child, contact the experts at GIIS. They can help you find the right campus - and the right educational approach!


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