What is Lifelong Learning?

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Learning helps us discover the world, either to deepen the knowledge we already have on a topic or to acquire new knowledge in an area of ​​interest. But the truth is that throughout life, we never stop learning!

Lifelong Learning

UNESCO explains that learning throughout life (ALV) "is based on the integration of learning and life."

It includes all people of different ages in the different contexts in which they find themselves, be they family, community, or school. This type of learning can take place in many ways, such as:

  • Formal: it is structured learning, which follows certain guidelines and specific content, in the college or university.
  • Semi-directed: learning where the student has some freedom in the content and pace of learning, for example, YouTube tutorials or online courses.
  • Professional: it happens mainly in the workplace through professional training, workshops, or skills development. The passion for the work that is done contributes to this type of learning.
  • Personal: It happens "independently," whether outside of work or studies; it could be said that it is a passion or an interest.
  • Indirect: it is the type of learning that happens "spontaneously," on a day-to-day basis, without planning or looking for it. It can happen in conversations, trips, or relationships.
  • Informal: the person chooses in what way he will learn, and therefore, it can occur through readings, by "trial and error," among others.

Lifelong Learning is not only to "be profitable and attractive" in the labor market; it is above all to improve people's quality of life. It awakens our curiosity and our open-mindedness; in other words, it motivates us to continue learning about everything that surrounds us and interests us.

Benefits of Lifelong Learning

The benefits of Lifelong Learning are multiple, but for this, we must put aside the excuses: “I don't have time,” “I don't have money,” “I don't know where to start,” and so many others that we create and believe. Only in this way can we truly commit to our learning goals.

In addition, the way of learning today has changed a lot from just a few years ago. Our reality changes rapidly, and we face unexpected and uncertain situations; how to react to them?

Through learning (read more on https://studyessay.org/buy-essay-online/), we can be more flexible in the face of these changes, we will acquire a greater capacity for improvisation, and we will be much more willing to learn from our mistakes.

Other benefits that we will obtain with learning throughout life are:

  • Development of critical thinking: the skill of critical thinking is necessary at any stage of life, as it allows us to think independently, responsibly, and productively.

The way we think about the world, others, and ourselves affect our personal experience. It not only defines our present but our future. Therefore, it is important to remember that we decide to think and act influences our reality.

  • Development of leadership skills: a person who is aware of his reality and himself is capable of acting and making decisions, inspiring, motivating, and empowering. Basically, he will be able to discover his potential in himself and others. Becoming or enhancing their leadership capabilities.
  • Better communication management: by exercising our communication skills through the different means at our disposal, we will achieve better relationships and productivity.

Lifelong learning will help you live in a better way, with an active mind in constant learning and reflection.
