Why gas leaks in the air conditioner and saves you spending money on gas charges

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Gas leaks in air conditioning

why gas leaks occur in the air conditioner and save yourself a waste in paying money on gas.
I will try to explain and therefore clarify the causes or reasons that can cause a gas leak the air conditioner.

Actually the gas in the air conditioner should last for years since it is not spent. It is
constantly recirculating in the pipes and machines outside and inside the air conditioning system. So if an air conditioner runs out of gas or with little pressure it is because there is
a more or less large leak.

⇒ 4 Main causes of gas leaks in the air

1.- Bad installation. When installing an air conditioner, there are connections that the
installer must make. Some are threaded, others welded, you must also make the skirt for
the coupling of the pipes and things. If any of these joints are not correct, it is very common
for leaks to occur.

2.- Pipeline drilling due to carelessness. It would not be the first time that making a hole
in the wall or placing a screw, an air conditioning pipe is drilled. On many occasions we d
not realize because maybe it has been putting a screw and the screw itself partially cover
the leak, so you do not see the gas come out and we do not realize
3.- Porosity of the pipe. With the passage of time and the nature of the tube, it takes
porosity. Porosity by which although at a very small level, the gas escapes. But it is such a
small loss that it lasts for years.

4.- For environmental reasons. The weather (especially in humid places or near the sea
can influence the occurrence of pores and leaks in the air conditioning machines. Although the internal pipes are usually copper, the salt and moisture can end up causing
small points of oxides that eventually become a pore with the consequent leakage of gas
usually occurs in both outdoor and indoor machines, although they are more common in
the former.


⇒ Is it worth investing in a professional technician to check for gas leaks in the air conditioner?

Strongly, YES, because if you are not a handyman, it can take you more work to nd the
cause or place where the leak occurs.

My recommendation is that for any repair call an authorized technician, qualified and
professional and with the papers in order, as this will ensure that you have the knowledge
permits and tools necessary to perform a good job, locate the leak and if possible, repair
It is better to pay a little more ++ to a technician specialized in solving the problem easily and
quickly, and that in 1 hour or less .., you have been able to nd out the problem and solve it,
then not to call an unqualified person that although I charge you a little less time, and you think, you are saving money, the same has no experience ( because you can not measure it ), and you do a bad job or take 3, 4 or more hours to nd the problem ( since what you are looking
for is to extend the day to charge more, because you have no work), which in the end will
be much more than expensive ...

This case is more common than you can imagine and many people have spent their time
and money without getting a professional service in return.
Therefore, if you decide to contact a technician specialized in giving you quick solutions to
solve problems with your repair, and you are not wasting your time that is worth a lot of money
and head warming.


Summary of the whole article on how to solve gas leaks in the air conditioner. In the end, the
important thing is to save time and money in the house or business. It's what counts; Everything
is numbers. Every day we get small drops of money, which add mini ac price in Bangladesh a significant amount per month and let's not say a year. You have to save on repairs, but there are repairs that cost us money every day, and for not making the right decision, the collar is more expensive than the dog.
So it is important to have the telephone number of a fast and decisive professional that saves u
time and money.



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