One of the biggest improvements to FIFA 23

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In spite of its fancy name, this new jockeying technique has allowed defenders to defend more realistically in terms of success but comes with an added caveat that it compromises a little of realisticity as defenses are capable of swiveling their hips just like Shakira FIFA 23 Coins. Jockeying in the current form is now linked to the Defensive Awareness trait with ratings equating to:

One of the biggest improvements to FIFA 23 will be the new Accelerate feature. The sluggish performance that some are complaining about are tied to ratings and a lack of understanding of the feature. For reference, here's an image from an earlier EA blog which details the three different archetypes of players:

These archetypes of players are entirely ratings driven, so it's vital to comprehend your players and how they will react and behave when taking these aspects into account. For information, check out this Twitter thread on how all this is done and how it impacts players:

Today's deep dive I'll take a look at the new gameplay features included for players in FIFA 23 to give my views on which are affecting the game, what impacts (negative as well as positive) they can have and if there's room for improvement.

For a list of all the new features, we'll use the EA FIFA 23 site. For scoring FIFA 23 it will be based on the simple 1-5 scale, with 5 being "great improvement" in comparison to 1 which is "why did EA even bother adding this cheap FUT 23 Coins?" If you want to read my thoughts of FIFA 23 the game, you can visit this site.
