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Burial Armor is an ancient dwarf armor which is manufactured at the workshop of the artisans in the southeast corner of Falador OSRS Buy Gold. As per the legend of the dwarf Suak the dwarfs are believed to bury their dead in the armor. Burial armor made of Grade I ingots is designed for miners and Grade II ingots designed for the warriors or Grade III ingots to make the smiths' burial armor.

It is one of the most efficient ways of getting an experience with smithing in the game. This is because it gives the highest smithing experience during the game. But the armor you produce won't have any worth. This process is known to be costly and has no rewards, but provides a lot of levels of experience. If you're looking to find a guide to armor that has actual use in Runescape read our guide on the Best Non-degradable Armor in Runescape.

The player has to visit The Artisans Workshop to make the burial armor. To find the Artisans' workshop, take a look around in the southwest corner Falador. On the workshop's eastern side there is a dwarf Suak will be sitting on a stage next to the anvils. Ask him to teach you how to do it. He'll invite an additional dwarf Sten to teach you how in the form of a cut-scene. If you didn't pay attention You can always ask him again.

Once Sten shows you how, Suak will tell you which armor piece to create. If you do as he will require, you'll receive bonus exp as a reward old school rs gold. If Suak's requested armor is changed, go to the anvil, select that armor piece and carry on your work.
