Md Joni Hossain Biography

Md Joni Hossain is a Bangladeshi Social Workers. Md Joni Hossain was born on July 4, 2003 in Comilla district. His father's name is Md. Hanif Hossain and his mother's name is Nurjahan Begum. Md Joni Hossain's father is a businessman and his mother is a housewife. Intervie


Md Joni Hossain is a Bangladeshi social worker, entrepreneur and photographer. He is a skilled Rover Member of Bangladesh Scouts Rover Scout of Rover area of Dhaka District and Eagles Open Scout Group of Scout Unit Member,and also a logistics member of Clean Dhaka, a voluntary organization. He is also a volunteer of RoktoShonghoFoundation Member. Md. Joni Hossain was born on July 4, 2003 in Comilla district.He is voluntary organization and a climate worker of Save Future Bangladesh. He has been active in various social voluntary organization activities and has been extremely successful in these initiatives.


He father's name is Md. Hanif Hossain and his mother's name is Nurjahan Begum. Md Joni Hossain's father is a businessman and his mother is a housewife.

Interview with famous Bangladeshi Climate Activists in Social Media Md Joni Hossain

Md Joni Hossain family: Md Joni Hossain's family consists of 2 brothers and 2 sisters besides his parents.

Education: Md Joni Hossain Passed JSC from Nakhalpara Government School ??High School and College in 2021 and SSC in 2021 and passed HSC from Civil Aviation School And College in 2023. 

Profession: Md Joni Hossain is a Bangladeshi Social Worker,Rover Scout,Social Entrepreneurs and Environment Social Climate Activists in Bangladesh

