How Long Does It Take To Be An SEO Expert? My Journey & Advice

Keep learning that, how long does it take to be an SEO expert & make a real-world SEO guy, who can able execute an effective project.


As someone who has spent the last decade running a digital marketing agency, I’ve watched many of my friends and colleagues make the same mistakes over and over again as they've tried to succeed in the ever-changing world of digital marketing. To be honest, I’ve been guilty of doing the same thing as well.

It’s not as long as you might think to become an SEO expert; in most cases, it will take around 18 months to become an expert.

If you’re searching for the answer to this question, then it’s likely that you’re a digital marketer or a content strategist who is looking for insights on how long does it take to become an expert in search engine optimization. As with any other vocation, becoming an expert in search engine optimization takes time, effort and expertise.

If you’ve spent a few months or even years working on your SEO strategy, then great! In that case, you’re probably close to becoming an expert in this field.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably interested in becoming an SEO expert. After all, everyone wants to know how to become an SEO expert. As a new user of the world of SEO, you’re probably wondering how long it takes to become an SEO expert. The truth is, there isn’t a set time period to become an SEO expert. Each user has their own learning curve!

If you’ve been reading up on the latest SEO trends, you’ll know that there are a lot of new players entering the space these days. Many of these new players are trying to take advantage of SEO’s reputation crisis. And because of that, they’re undervaluing the value of quality content and good SEO. In this article, I’ll share with you everything I wish someone had told me when I started my journey as an SEO. So, if you’re ready, let’s jump right in.


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