The dunk gauge in NBA 2K22 has been a recent feature in the sport

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This is a guide Nba 2k22 Mt to dunks to help you understand all the basic rules, techniques as well as tips for finishing confidently in the paint with NBA 2K22. There are two methods to dunk NBA 2K22: either pressing the shoot button or moving the right stick toward the rim - and both while holding an accelerator trigger.

Depending on the console that you're using, pressing on the square for PS5 or X button for Xbox users , while holding the R2 or RT trigger, respectively, will let the player shoot for an easy dunk. Also, you can point the right stick towards the hoop while pressing either the RT or R2 trigger to execute a dunk if you choose to do so.

The dunk gauge in NBA 2K22 has been a recent feature in the sport. It's similar to the shot meter , as you must time your layup or dunk within the green box for a player. Timing is essential for Dunks in NBA 2K22 due to the fact that every finish will require the shot meter, regardless of layup, dunk, or alley-oop.

The size of the green box can differ. A higher dunk percentage and the player's position will result innn a higher chance of finishing the move.

If an opponent is cheap Nba 2k22 Mt defending the painting, it will likely result in a more difficult finish. The specialties and traits such as Lob City Finisher and Fearless Finisher give players advantage when trying to finish dunks near the rim.

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