Make sure the person is equipped with good weapons and armor

Make sure the person is equipped with good weapons and armor


Make sure the person is equipped with good weapons and armor, you do not want this effort to be wasted. Bring two high-level friends involved in this endeavor. ensure that they get the victim to turn on the leader first so that RS Gold they be skulled.

Run into the wild, to ensure they don't have the energy to go out. Be sure that your target is not naive, or "nooby" in the way they act. Unfortunately , the people dealing with me were not smart because I saw straight through the scam. I don't think luring is morally or ethical, but it is a matter of skill and people-skills to convince someone to hand over their money.

Utilize black knives or obsidian casting rings. Obsidian throwing is marginally slower than knives however they offer the same performance like the magic short bow/ rune bows. Rings for throwing are much more expensive than knives with black. Similar statistics, but slower. More expensive? Wow! It looks like a winner!

The stats are not the same as the knives, but mage bows, rune arrows, and rune arrows which are pretty good. Iron knives are great and are less expensive than bronze knives but they have more stats. Yesterday I was using the black knife (p) that cost less than irons with more powerful stats.

I bought the black knives and was surprised to RS 2007 Accounts find that they cost only 16 cents each. That's half of the high price on the GE. You'll not get this level of xp/hr for your price so you can try using knives that are black on Flesh Crawlers since your P2P. Do you want to try for a German world?

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