This guide will teach you how to obtain clay and what you can do with it in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Seeing a patch of green clay in the middle of nowhere when you're walking around town smacking rocks is the last thing on your mind while smacking rocks around town




Seeing a patch of green clay in the middle of nowhere when you're walking around town smacking rocks is the last thing on your mind while smacking rocks around town. In spite of the fact that you're looking for iron, Free Animal Crossing Items will more often than not provide you with clay instead of the metal that you're looking for. When it comes to clay, on the other hand, if you are familiar with the various uses for the crumbly soil, you may be content with simply walking away with a large amount of the crumbly soil in your possession. You'll learn everything you ever wanted to know about this widely available crafting material by reading through the sections that follow.

This is the information that Belle Huston provided when she updated her profile on January 23, 2022:Clay is required in many of the crafting recipes in New Horizons, so it is critical that players understand how to obtainanimal crossing items for sale as well as what to do with it once they have it in their possession. The information in this article has been updated to include new headings and additional information to ensure that you are not unaware of any of the topics covered. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Where can I find the best clay to use for my projects and how do I go about finding it?


It has been discovered that there are nuggets of stone, clay, and iron.
While none of the above items are required for you right now, we recommend stockpiling as much as you can to be prepared for anything that may arise in the future. As a follow-up, keep an eye out at Nook's Cranny each day for the Hot Item that has recently been listed on the site. High-end merchandise is defined as merchandise that sells for twice the price of whatCheap ACNH Items would normally sell for. An item made of clay will almost certainly be chosen as the Hot Item at some point in the future, and this is unavoidable. Get your clay supplies out as soon as that happens and start working on something beautiful — your perseverance has finally paid off. -

Utilizing the rocks on your island will ensure that you are making the most of your resources by utilizing Method 1.

Place yourself next to the rock, at a diagonal angle to the direction in which the rock will be traveling (see image below).

Make a hole in the water that is just below the surface of the water's surface and fill it with water.

Purchasing a Nook Miles Ticket, which is redeemable for 2,000 Nook Miles, can be done at the Nook Miles machine located in the Resident Services department.

Tell Orville that you want to fly and, when prompted, tell him that your Nook Miles Ticket will be used to make the flight possible if you want to take a flight.

Traveling through time is the third mode of transportation.

It is strongly advised that  be turned off completely on your computer or mobile device.

The System Settings menu on the Nintendo Switch can be accessed by pressing the System Settings button on the Home screen.

Continue to scroll down the page until you reach the 'Date and Time' option, which is located at the very bottom of the menu selection list.

There will be a re-release of the buy ACNH 2.0 Items expansion pack in the near future.

