Start Your Own White Label Netflix Clone App Development

Stream the latest movies and tv series online in the netflix clone app developed by turnkey town and provide the world-class theatrical experience.

Even before the pandemic, apps such as amazon prime and Netflix have created such an impact in the entertainment industry because of their unique contents and ad-free services. Netflix is an online video streaming app where many production companies use this as a platform to release their videos online to be viewed by the audience or the app itself produces its contents and releases it online. 

Steps To Develop A Streaming App Like Netflix

Before getting into Netflix like app development, there are certain steps to follow to formulate the entire app which involves researching the target audience, the type and the source of the content etc. need to be known before getting into the technical aspects of it. Let us see how to approach a Netflix clone.

Step 1: Know Your Forte

The first thing to decide and lockdown is what kind of content is going to be up on the app. There are three types of content such as:
  • Entertainment
  • Fitness
  • Education

Step 2: Source Of Content

After deciding on what kind of contents is going to be put up on the app, the next step is to devise the ways these contents are coming in. again there are two ways of doing it.
  • Getting videos from other distributors
  • Making your content

Step 3: Choose Your Revenue Source

Netflix clone apps can have their revenues peak up by the number of users using the app. The users have to subscribe to any plan provided to view their contents. The types of subscriptions available are:
  • Pay per view.
  • Subscription
  • Advertisement

Step 4: Implement Technology That Offers Better App Performance

What is the point of having all the contents required by the users are made available but is not easily accessible due to technical glitch? It is essential to address these issues as well and take steps to optimize them.
  • Internet speed is an important attribute to look at. 
  • Cloud computing is done so that the access of video contents of the app becomes easy and simple.

Step 5: Target Audience

One can find their target audience on social media networks like Facebook, Instagram etc. and also on YouTube. Videos promoting the content must be posted in these apps and that will attract the interested users who are potentially the long term customers. Even attractive newsletters can be sent to potential customers.


Netflix-like app development involves a lot of attractive features like user-friendly applications, easy payment process and enhanced search results etc. Turnkey Town offers white labelled Netflix clone which is customized according to the client’s needs and gives the best product at the right time at a budget-friendly cost.
