Now that Runescape is comparatively dead What you believe Jagex would have done

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Hello My name is John and I have to keep track of everything that's going on around me (not people's businesses, no, not I'm inquisitive), but how it works OSRS Accounts. I have been selling bows made of willow (u) to the general store as they won't buy the bows at 83gp per. This means I earn 16 gp for each length of willow (u), but they sell them for 64 gp. What is the general store's function? Does it sell at four times the price it cost to buy?

Also, I have observed that certain fan sites list items as with the same low-alch cash earned as general store. However, this isn't true for willow short (u) since if you low-alch them, you'll earn 64 gp per item when you sell it to the general sale and you receive 16 gp per item, and the STORE goes for 64gp ea. I was wondering if there is a common formula that applies to every item sold to general store or are there exceptions for specific items?

That was my thought when I looked up the databases of items of several websites. One website claimed that an Armadyl godsword can be bought from the general shop for zero GBP. It's obviously not possible, therefore I'm not sure if they meant that it couldn't be bought in the general store. Other common items, such as bows, appear to be following the "multiply-by-4" rule. This means that if you sell an item for 1 gp, they will sell it for 4 and so on.

Please let me know the rule or common practice for all items. I'd love to to relax or even sell my items and buy them again. Ok, here's the thing. I'm here to assist you find the treasure trail. It takes time to complete the process. The issue I'm having this day is that ...(drumroll )... I can't get tham like I did in the past. What im trying to say here is that no one drops these nowadays. I am unable to change the level of my clue scroll Buy Old School RS Gold. I don't have one either in my inventory nor in my bank account.

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