Jagex attempts to help clans by providing support for clans like chats

Jagex attempts to help clans by providing support for clans like chats


There aren't trainers at the moment (there are still places for mining rune but I don't know if the boneyard exists), so this activity is dead. In freeplay where OSRS Gold I play, even the deep wilderness is probably more secure than most other areas in the freeplay world.

Jagex attempts to help clans by providing support for clans like chats with clan members. Instead, they should concentrate their efforts on enhancing the wilderness, if they are really interested in helping clans. Encourage people to venture out into the wilderness by offering benefits for experience or more training areas.

Get rid of single combat wilderness zones. Leave the wilderness alone with single combat zones, or make single-combat players utilize a different PvP zone. This is a sensible idea that benefits both the wilderness and the clans more than any updates to support for clans. I know that had little to do with the new combat system, but I had to get that out.

Since I'm a free player and can only access only a small part of Runescape Map, this isn't an issue. However, today, I noticed that very little land had been included in the mainland over the last eight (?) years. I was looking at the map this morning and saw the amount of land that has been added to the mainland in the last eight (?) years. This is because there is not enough room to expand.

Jagex doesn't want to reverse their strategy and eliminate the water from the island. They have been able to get around the water barrier using islands to create new content. But they can't do this long enough to Buy Old School RuneScape Gold lose the feeling of being on the continent.

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