Top Rocket League tips to improve your gameplay

Rocket League is a game that has been around for a long time


Rocket League is a game that has been around for a long time. It was first made available in July 2015, but its popularity hasn't waned since then. In fact, it appears to be gaining in popularity, which is most likely due to the rocketpricesChampionship Series (RLCS) signing a deal with NBC last year and broadcasting the tournament live on television as a result of the deal.

But take care. Although the entry barrier to Rocket League is low, it is difficult to put the game down once you have begun playing. Games are short, fast-paced, and highly addictive in nature. Once you start playing, you'll become obsessed with getting better, start humming the beats of the title music in your head, and dream of getting vengeance on that one dude last night who wouldn't stop demoing (in Rocket League, this is the term used to describe blowing up an opponent's car by boosting into theirs with your own).

If you want to improve at Rocket League, the first step is to stop trying so hard and to remember to have fun while doing so. What's the point if you don't do that?

The following are 11 pointers to help you progress through the ranks of Rocket League.

Make changes to the camera's settings.
Make use of practice mode to familiarize yourself with the game's mechanics as well as how to set up your camera before you enter the arena. You have the ability to adjust the distance between the camera and your car, your field of view, the angle of the camera, and many other parameters. All of these factors will have an impact on what you can see in-game. And everyone has a slightly different idea of what they think it should look like. Personally, I believe that the greater the amount of light I can see is beneficial.

Learn how to rotate your body.
When you're first starting out, the most important thing to pay attention to is your positioning. The appearance of complete chaos during periods of intense pursuit of the ball may be deceiving.(To be fair, it is true that it is sometimes.)
However, after a while of playing the game, you may begin to notice a pattern, which is aptly named rotating.
It is imperative that the goal is never left unattended when you and your teammates are properly rotating -- whether you're playing 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4. When one or two players push up for offense, one or two players should stay back on defense to balance the team. When playing 2v2, this becomes more difficult, but you must adapt the same principle in order to ensure that someone is always keeping an eye on your goal.
Using this image, you can see how rotation works in 3v3 for both offense and defense. Take it under consideration. Make a pact with it.

Don't underestimate the power of the handbrake.
The handbrake is a tool that I use on a regular basis, just like the boost and jumping buttons. It enables you to drift and whip your car around quickly in order to get into position, and it has assisted me in scoring a number of surprising goals. Make yourself very familiar with it and learn to use it to your advantage.

Don't run after the ball.
If the ball comes close to you, your instinct will tell you to crash it. It happens, and instincts can sometimes take over. However, if you're following a rotation, you should (very quickly and on the fly) assess who is in a better position to tackle the ball and make the appropriate substitution.
In many instances, you will find yourself in the position of having to drop back and defend. Even if it isn't, dropping back to defend is usually the safer and more effective option.
Your teammate may have a better angle even if you're rotating properly and chasing after the ball. Rather than both crashing the ball (and the ball invariably taking a strange bounce all the way downfield, back into your goal), back off and allow the teammate with the better angle to go for it. Oftentimes, this will allow them to set up a better pass and may even result in you scoring an easy goal for them.
The art of letting go of the ball is a valuable lesson to learn.

Passing over the target
Building on the previous point about chasing the ball, you may find yourself in a situation where you have a fairly clear shot at the goal. The temptation to smash their axles with a crappy goal will be strong. If the other team is coming back and defending, you should resist the temptation to take a shot. Whatever you throw at them, they'll be ready and willing to accept it.
Instead, take the ball wide, to one wall or the other, and get creative with a pass to one of your teammates once you've reached the other wall. Unusual bounces, passing the ball to a position where the defender cannot reach it, or doing something unexpected are far more likely than bumbling an accidental goal in over a few defenders.

Look for a teammate.
Finding a partner to play with is one of the most important things you can do when queuing for ranked or casual matches. Not only will this reduce the likelihood of one of you rage quitting when the going gets tough, but you will also learn to anticipate each other's moves much better than you would if you were playing with a random teammate.
Your chances of winning will be increased simply by doing this.
When you queue without a teammate, you run the risk of being paired with teammates who are still upset from their previous loss, who are in a bad mood, or who aren't familiar with how to rotate correctly. And it doesn't have to be just one of those things either. Everyone's playing style is unique, and being able to read your own teammate's body language and anticipate their next move will go a long way toward helping you improve.

Save your valuable boost.
Boost is an extremely valuable resource in Rocket League. Despite the fact that it regenerates quickly, you will frequently find yourself without any, unable to recover and defend your goal.
Instead of constantly pressing the boost button, you can lunge forward by moving the joystick forward and pressing the jump button twice. If you repeat this process several times, you will be able to reach the same top speed as you can with boost (you will, however, be unable to maintain that speed or maneuver as quickly or easily).
Improve your ability to use both effectively in a variety of situations in order to reduce the number of times you get stuck without a boost.
Take advantage of your opponents' boosts when you can, provided you don't go out of your way or interrupt your rotation to do so.

When in doubt, defend your position.
It's almost always better to err on the side of defense and worry about boost later if it comes down to rotation or whether or not to swing wide to grab boost before heading toward your goal.
The fact that you failed to make a save while without boost (and at the very least had a chance to stop it) will be much more understandable to your teammate than the fact that you abandoned the goal to gain boost and missed the opportunity to defend.

Don't be afraid to demo your products.
When you boost (or, in some cases, flip or shoot) into an opponent's car, your car will explode and cause them to crash. In Rocket League, this is referred to as a demolition, and it is a highly divisive tactic. Some people take on the role of enforcers, cruising around and aiming their guns at passing cars.
If done correctly, it has the potential to create a significant number of holes in the other team's game. The wrong way to go about it can cause holes in your own team's rotation.(It also doesn't attract a lot of attention.)
Even though other players usually complain in the quick chat when they are destroyed, a demo can occasionally shift the momentum of a game. Demolitions are an excellent tool, in my opinion. Use it when the opportunity presents itself, but don't go out of your way to do so. And try not to get too upset if this happens to you because some players demo in order to get under your skin and throw you off your game.

Make sure not to get too hung up on things like aerials and air dribbles.
As your ranking progresses, you will notice more and more people jumping to the sky to hit the ball. You'll also see them take the ball up the wall, bounce it off, and air dribble it down into the goal. It brings a completely new dimension to the game as you progress through the ranks and begin to compete against more experienced players.
Both of these abilities will require a great deal of practice and dedication. Anyone who wishes to progress in Rocket Leauge items Epic PCshould become proficient at boosting in the air to hit the ball. But don't get too caught up in learning these skills right away; instead, focus on getting the fundamentals down first.
After logging over 900 hours in Rocket League to date, I've only recently begun to improve my aerial skills. Air dribbling hasn't even crossed my mind yet.










