Rocket League Trading has had similar events in the past

Rocket League Trading has had similar events in the past


That has drastically changed in the past month-or-so. Psyonix has removed Rocket League's level cap and reconfigured the way item drops work. Now, a random item accompanies every new level earned. It's paired with the recently-introduced Rocket Pass system which awards its own items at each new level. For anyone who cares at all about Rocket League's cosmetics, experience points matter a whole lot now. They're the sole gatekeeper to all non-crate items. It has been quite the 180-degree flip.

It finally makes sense for Psyonix to run a double XP weekend. Starting today (the event is live as of 4pm Pacific) playing Rocket League will yield twice as much XP. That directly correlates to twice as many item drops. It ends on Monday October 15 at 10am Pacific.

Rocket League Trading has had similar events in the past, like weekends where items would drop twice as frequently or painted items would be easier to come by. It has never dealt in experience points before because experience points were never actually relevant. Now, with the recent overhaul, Psyonix can just cut to the chase and use XP as the incentive.

Earlier today, Psyonix announced that a brand new car pack for Rocket league is available now, and it gives players a chance to jump into another one of the more legendary vehicles in movie history. In conjunction with the upcoming Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, players can now hop into the iconic Jurassic Jeep Wrangler and battle it out on the pitch.
