baby teething gel

Teething is a natural and expected part of child development, which refers to the primary teeth, usually occurring between the ages of 6 months and three years.


 baby teething gel

Teething is a natural and expected part of child development, which refers to the primary teeth, usually occurring between the ages of 6 months and three years.
It involves the intra-osseous movement of an un-erupted tooth in the alveolar jaw bone until it emerges into its final functional position in the oral cavity.
Your child’s first tooth is an exciting developmental milestone, but the eruption process itself can hurt them. You have to keep in mind that in an attempt to provide relief to your baby’s teething pain, you mustn’t compromise their health as well.
“Is baby teething gel is safe for my baby?” you may think this question in your mind sometimes, but don’t worry, we will discuss all the issues related to baby teething gel, best teething gel for babies, teething gel for infants, and many more in this article.
Baby teething gels are generally made with topical anaesthetics, like lidocaine, benzocaine, and they are used to provide pain relief and numbing effect to the applied area.
The baby teething gel helps to temporarily banish all kinds of surface pain.
According to the American Academy of Paediatrics, baby teething gel is beneficial because of the speed they wash out of babies' mouths. They are meant to be rubbed on the gums of the teething babies to provide relief to the pain.
According to the U.S Food and Drug Administration(FDA), Baby teething gel are not safe and are never recommended for use on infants or babies under 2.

FDA also released a series of different statements about different kinds of baby teething gels, and they also warned consumers about the specific dangers caused on babies.

Gums are very different from the skin the gums and the rest of the mouth are covered in a mucous membrane that quickly absorbs active drug ingredients. But the baby teething gel is marketed as a simple topical product.

Accidental swallowing can be an issue with some baby teething gel. Some drugs find their way into the bloodstream most quickly instead of slowly penetrating through the thick barrier of the skin. The significant risk is from direct penetration.

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