Alternative modification to initial suggestion

Alternative modification to initial suggestion


One-time items in chests. I discovered a few chests while exploring Edgeville's dungeon. The excitement in my chests increased as I rummaged through the chests only to discover nothing. My opinion is that dungeons' chests should contain items that OSRS Gold are only available once like lobsters, strength potions, or swordfish. So that every player can only access them once, it makes exploration more enjoyable.

Why? Because it would be really, really fun. It would be a great incentive to visit places you would not typically go to. It could also be extremely enjoyable. This will also make dungeons appear more RPG-like. Chests that were highly valuable could be difficult to find.

Alternative modification to initial suggestion. Every chest does not need to be filled with an item. Just enough to be worth it to go on the scenic way. Perhaps only 2 of 3 You should make every item you receive out of the chest untradable, for example. The Strength potion should be made inaccessible after you receive it.

Argument against the "devaluation argument of items". It is extremely unlikely that more than a quarter of the Runescape population will be looking for these chests. Take out Skillers and many PvPers and suddenly, you have much less people. Moderately valuable items will be relatively difficult to obtain, likely dropping the amount of players who get them again. I doubt many treasure hunter will head straight to buy osrs account GE with their items to sell. It is more likely that items that are perishable will be utilized by the person who got them.

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