Analyze your current marketing situation

Once your SME is serious about marketing, the first thing I recommend you do is an analysis of your current situation regarding it.


That is, review what you are currently doing based on your market and the objectives you are pursuing.

I'm going to share a very simple methodology for you to do it, it's called the Hourglass, a marketing model created by John Jantsch, which describes the natural process your prospect goes through, from meeting you to being a customer, and in each step describes the communication tools you must have to close sales and lead your market to be an ambassador for your brand.


Review this model and describe the activities that you carry out today in each step, with this simple exercise it will be very clear what you need to do to have a more comprehensive marketing with greater results in the medium and long term.

Let's briefly explain each part of the process, okay?

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It is your prospect's first contact with your brand. How does he know about you? What do you say or project in this first impression? What channels and messages do you use?

Here the tools to analyze are: advertising, Marketing Kit, SEO, Netwoking, referrals and content for someone who does NOT know you.


Since your prospect knows you, now you have to make sure that what they find they like. What can you do to make your prospect like you? Give him information and offer him a good experience with your brand !! Here you review tools such as: points of sale, website, your office / premises, customer service, packaging, corporate image and content that you must offer to please “someone”.


The next part is understanding that no one buys anything without first gaining "confidence" about the brand in some way. So in order to close a sale, the trust element is essential. Remember that "we do business with people, not with companies" , I know, I know, is my own favorite phrase! But it's true!

Here you review tools such as: social networks, blog, sales speeches and presentations, guarantees, publications, certifications, testimonials, etc. And as in the previous ones, check what content you offer specifically to generate trust in your brand.


Depending on the type of business you have, this step will be easier or less, but EVERYONE can in some way offer a test of the service / product offered to reduce the risk that a prospect takes when buying from you for the first time.

Check if you have tools such as: tastings, publications, reports, a free initial service, tests, etc.

To buy.

And the sale arrives and we forget everything! Big mistake! You must take care of this step just as well, that the shopping experience is just as pleasant and of the same quality as everything above.

Review your payment process, waiting times, welcome kit or induction to the product / service, attention to doubts, follow-up information, etc. Do not stop reviewing here the content that you offer now to your client, surprise him.


A current customer is worth more than a new one, Take care of him and motivate him to keep buying. That one reviews your Up-Selling, Cross-Selling strategies, maintenance processes, attention to doubts, inform them of news, stay present.

Review tools such as: email marketing, telemarketing, user manual, special events or promotions, etc. And again ... What content do you offer your customers to encourage them to repeat their purchase?


Finally the great forgotten! Recommendations! What do you do to get your current clients to recommend you? And what do you do to make them do it the way you want?

Check to have a referral plan, strategic alliances and forums to be recommended: testimonials on video, web, social networks, etc.

One of the things that I like the most about this model is that it is very easy to see how we must build and offer different content for each stage of the sale. This is one of the main problems in SMEs, we give the same information at all stages! Careful!

Prepare your analysis based on this model and it will be a good starting point to guide your SME in search of a more comprehensive marketing with greater results.



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