Where Can I Buy Backlinks?

Backlinks are the heart of Off-page SEO. There are many organizations and freelancing marketplace where you can buy and sell backlinks.

We know that backlinks are the heart of Off-page SEO. Google search engine ranks depend on more than 200 factors. Without quality, you can not rank your website by buying some low-quality backlinks. Still, I can tell you that in 2020 backlinks are still the major factor of search engine ranking. It's a great idea to build high-quality links instead of tons of low-quality spammy links. 

Should I Buy Backlinks?

Yes, you should if it creates value to your web page. Quality links add link juice to the referring web page. Make sure that you are buying quality links. You have to consider PA, DA, CF, TF, etc. before buying. You can read- ten Smart ways of gaining backlinks to get an idea about it. 

PA= page authority

DA=Domain authority

CF=Citation Flow

TF=Trust Flow

There are lots of SEO tools available online where you can check those metrics. I like Moz and majestic for those. Actually these two tools rank website according to their SEO values. You can search a limited number of times with a free account. Still, those are great. 

Is Backlinking Illegal?

No, it's not illegal until you are doing something unwanted. You should not create spammy links to manipulate Google search results. If you do so, it must be illegal. If you create a backlink from a website, make sure that it will be helpful for the users or, readers of the blog. Valuable articles are appreciated by everyone even big brands or, popular blogs. 


I am going to summarize the main points here-

  • Create backlinks for your webpage
  • Don't create irrelevant links
  • Don't create links that are not valuable for readers
  • Buy Backlinks if it really creates values for your website
  • Building backlinks are not illegal. 

Lastly, I want to suggest you practice white hat SEO. Learn and apply things that help people. 

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