• Logo

It is very much essential in order to express the significance of your brand. And it is very much important that you make use of the logo on your website carefully and precisely. Logo must be placed in a location that would be found by the users in all pages. You need to emphasize your brand logo in such a manner that people must be able to recognize your company soon after seeing the logo. Hence logo must be placed in the header section of your website. Make sure to use nothing but high quality logos of very high resolution. Make your logo clickable and direct it towards your homepage.

  • Page layout

It is very much important for a website to have clean page layout. It would help your website to be with a simple structure and yet attractive. Visitors will be able to get all the desired information from your website very easily. According to the experts ideal length must be within 1500 pixels and a width of about 770 pixels. Each and every page of a website hosting having the same layout and menu must be displayed in every page. Well structured page layout will also make it very much user friendly for the users to navigate through your website. It would also help web crawlers to index your web pages much effectively.


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Influencer, Business, Social Media, Instagram, Youtube

  • Optimize for mobile

Mobile has gained a lot of popularity when it comes to searching for information. Hence each and every website must be optimized to work precisely on a Smartphone. Making use of latest technologies such as html5 will be able to help with the optimization of a website for Smartphone very easily. Getting the development done from the experts would help with such features.

  • Call to action

A website must compress of a proper call to action in it. It would maximize the revenue of the website while increasing the conversion rate at the same time. The website must be able to drive its visitors towards the sales which efficiently and easily by making use of call to action, precise a layout, typography and user friendly navigation.

  • A secure and clean code

Are you sure would be spending on more than 5 to 10 seconds on a website. Hands the loading time of website would matter a lot. It is very important for a website to be comprised with a secure and clean code. If loading time of your website is too much then a user would lose their interests and exit the website instantly. It would be a great damage to the seo of the website. Having a secure code will be able to provide a much better security to your website against various type of malicious activity.


On opinion Ryan Adkins

"Having right type of images in every single page, topic and post will increase the visitor value of a website. It is also important to have the images of social networking sites and provide a follow button to your respective page on each social networking website."