Why does Venmo need my bank login?

Are you being prompted to provide bank login details on Venmo? In case you are looking for why does Venmo need my bank login then you have visited the right page?


The peer-to-peer mobile payment service- Venmo uses bank login details to verify your bank account. It asks you to provide the username and password details to verify the account information and, periodically your bank account balance. To start sending money directly from your bank account you need to verify it by approaching the right way. In case you have a Venmo account and looking to send money directly from your bank account then you should refer to the steps that we are going to introduce in this post. Today we are discussing why does Venmo need my bank login? So, with no further delay, let’s approach the way to verify your bank account on Venmo.

Way to verify the bank account on Venmo

The easy and simple steps to verify your bank account on Venmo are introduced below. All you need to do is, approach the steps one by one to complete the verification process of your bank on Venmo. This process will help you to be clear about why does Venmo need my bank login details?   

  1. Using a mobile or computer, visit the Venmo Login page.
  2. Or using your Android or iPhone, launch the Venmo mobile app on it.
  3. Now, on the sign-in page, fill in the login credentials carefully and tap on the login button.
  4. When prompted, provide the username and password details of your bank account that you want to add to your Venmo account.
  5. Now, to submit the changes made on the verification page, click on the ‘Save’ button.
  6. Finally, you have verified your bank account using the bank login details on Venmo.


To sum up, if you are being prompted to provide your bank login details on Venmo then do not be worried about it as it may be because Venmo needs it to verify your bank account. Once you will finish the steps to verify your bank account on Venmo then you can start sending money directly from your bank account using Venmo mobile app. We hope that you have learned about why does Venmo need my bank login details by referring to this post?

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