Gender Reassignment Surgery

The majority of persons who experience gender disorder problems never surgically alter their appearance. They dress as members of the desired gender, rather than gender of birth.



Sex reassignment surgery Also known as gender reassignment or sex change, sex surgery involves the removal of genital organs. Two main reasons are given for transferring genital organs between sexes. Intersex deformities in newborns must be identified early and assigned to the appropriate sex. These deformities are intermediate stages between primordial female genitals and male hormone stimulation. 

Men and women sometimes believe that they are physically different from each other. They are willing to undergo surgery to correct this dissonance. Both cases favor conversion to a female over a male. If the penis measures at least one inch in length, newborns born with ambiguous organs will be assigned to the female gender. They are more likely to be socially adjusted than females regardless of their chromosomes.



It is extremely difficult to find reliable statistics. Private facilities are often used for sexual reassignment. They aren't subject to reporting requirements. Many sexual reassignment surgeries are performed outside the United States. There are between 100-500 gender reassignment surgeries performed in the United States every year. Globally, the number is between two and five times greater.



To convert male anatomy to female, one must remove the penis and reconstruct a vagina. A skin graft or an isolated loop from the intestine can successfully form a vagina. Female hormones, will be used to reshape your body and stimulate the growing breasts. Due to the smaller amount of clitoral tissue in the female genitals, male-to-female surgery has had less success. One year is the minimum time that a penis can be constructed after the initial surgery to remove the female organs.

A study done in Singapore showed that one-third of those surveyed would not have the procedure again. They were however all happy with the new sex. The breasts must also be altered to give the appearance of a man. This can be done successfully. Nearly all people can experience an orgasm or "a reasonable degree erogenous sensitivity" after gender reassignment surgery. Call us, Amish hospital for the best gender reassignment surgery.



For a successful readjustment to the other gender, one must have support from their family. Gender reassignment surgery is not recommended for candidates who are emotionally or socially unstable, have a body that isn't suitable for the new gender, or who are over 30 years old. In no instance did gender reassignment surgery affect their ability to work.

Normal results:

Gender reassignment surgery allows people to get the external genitalia from the person of the opposing gender. A person who has undergone male to female gender reassignment will still have a prostate. Females who have undergone female-to-male gender reassignment surgery must undergo a hysterectomy and an oophorectomy. It can take many months to develop the mannerisms and habits that will be characteristic of the patient's new gender.

