Three New Class Categories in WoW: Burning Crusade Classic

In the first few weeks of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic, three game styles were so popular that those responsible at Warcraftlogs introduced new categories for them


In the first few weeks of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic, three game styles were so popular that those responsible at Warcraftlogs introduced new categories for them. We'll tell you what's behind Gladiator, Champion and Smite.

It is usually quite easy to assign the various classes of WoW to the appropriate roles on a statistics website such as Warcraftlogs. Holy and discipline priests primarily treat wounds, protective warriors and paladins refuel, all villains, magicians and warlocks do dajj, and so on.

In the first weeks of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic, however, styles of play emerged that don't really fit into this rigid corset, and that are at the same time too popular to be completely ignored. The responsible persons at TBC-Warcraftlogs have therefore decided to define three new specializations for the statistics festival:

The gladiator (warrior): Acts as an off-tank or damage distributor, although he has distributed talent points deep into the protection tree - according to the current statistics from Karazhan.
The champion (warrior): Reminds strongly of the Fury-Prot from the Classic era, because it packs significantly more points into the Fury tree than normal protective warriors, for aggro generation and damage output during (main) refueling noticeably increase. This in turn ensures very short fights because the damage experts don't have to hold back. The reduced survival strength has to be intercepted by the healers - according to the current statistics from Karazhan.
The Smite Priest: A priest who uses his offensive holy spells to cause damage, while bringing the benefits of the discipline tree into the raid. This causes significantly more damage than healing and is therefore given its own category - to the current statistics from Karazhan.

What do you think of the new categories? Have you maybe even tried out these ways of playing? Let us know in the comments! For TBC Classic Gold gamers, now you can also choose Cheap WoW Classic TBC Gold on our website to improve your gaming experience.

