Path of Exile Receives Seasonal Upgrades

POE Currency 2 will basically reflect a whole new story mode different to the original.



POE Currency  2 will basically reflect a whole new story mode different to the original. Therefore, there will be two campaigns within a single game, and two opportunities at Character choice. It will, of course, also bring changes particularly. Interestingly, however, GGG noted that a few of those features will truly be rolled out during the following year, ahead of the release of Path of Exile 2. Still, that update is more than a year off, so that there was more to be shown off.

For the ones that don't play the free-to-play ARG, Path of Exile receives seasonal upgrades (known as Leagues) about every 3 months. Also part of this Exilecon statements was another League, that was titled Metamorph. This sounds like the most original League at some time, so that I look forward to watching how it plays out (though Blight, the existing League, is wonderful in its simplicity).

However, so as to have their gamers languishing for another year as they wait patiently Path of Exile 2, GGG ALSO announced an upgrade to their favorite endgame content. This will discharge alongside Metamorph in mid-December.

And when these announcements were not enough for the adoring audience, GGG finished off the series with a rather surprising statement -- POE Goods Mobile. Chuckle.

