25 good educational practices with ICT

This is a compilation of good educational practices with ICT of teachers in the USA with the use of different tools.


1. The importance of oral feedback with Kaizena 

As a teacher of a Foreign Language in Canada, Tomas Paz Johnstone explains that one of the aspects that worries him most in class is how to record conversations with his students and how he can give them accurate feedback on their oral communication when they say things like "just do my homework". After trying various applications such as Audacity, Soundcloud, Speechpeek, or Fresh Grade, he discovered the Kaizena application that allows you to leave voice comments on documents created in Google Docs. Kaizena redesigned its website (there is also an app for Android and iOS) and the result was a simple working design, both for teachers and students, developing an oral communication tool to create conversations between the members of a group; the teacher creates a group and the students only have to create an account and enter the code to belong to it. 

Tomas Paz Johnstone employs it in two specific areas. The first is the preparation of oral projects, where students record the questions they think are important for the project they are working on. Thus, all members of the group have access to the questions and can record their response or comment by pressing the "reply" button, in addition to checking the rest of the responses and comparing them with their own. "After some time, I add my own answer so that they can compare it with yours and make the necessary changes," he adds.

2. Videos and personalized quizzes that improve learning in a center 

The novelty of this proposal is that they are personalizing the videos and explanations of concepts and topics that are part of the curriculum of any course, with the voice and explanation of the teachers of the center, which gives familiarity and proximity to the student who views them later in your home for reinforcement and a better understanding of what has been explained. Likewise, there is an adaptation that is being made of the same concept or topic in different videos and thinking about the special and specific needs of the students. Similarly, those who, due to illness or any other circumstance, do not attend a certain number of classes have been taken into account: from home, they have a magnificent tool to keep pace with the learning of the rest of their classmates. In three years we already have 35 videos for each course. 


In total, two years of intense activity in the training of the management team and the faculty, creating new working groups of teachers. The project is developed on two powerful methodological tools: CLIL, which implies that students listen, speak, read and write in English, and Future Classroom Lab proposed by the largest European education network that brings together 31 ministries of education. 

4. Let's use apps and web resources to create activities 

Silvia Soteras Gibert, from Escola Pia in Igualada, relates that the workshop would consist of an introduction where the apps and resources that could be practiced would be taught, and then with a format of “corners”, each teacher would choose those applications that most They will adjust to their interest, developing a small activity in order to learn how it works.  

5. Show with your Power 

The student, after giving a series of basic notions about it (design, content, recipients) must make a presentation for the reinforcement of vowels in the Early Childhood Education stage. The result was very satisfactory, the use of images that they associated and the use of children's calligraphy that they could even follow or review in the PDI made them want to expand content already in these last courses including languages.  

6. 'Tweeting the Literature' 

It is a project to encourage reading, created by Juan Ruíz Zambrana, professor at the IES Santiago Ramón y Cajal, in Malaga, where collaborative work is combined, the promotion of the reading habit, the use of ICT, and the use of networks social. It is a project work aimed at 1st-year ESO students in which different learning strategies of the subject of Spanish Language and Literature are worked on, such as reading comprehension, oral and written expression, spelling, and the use of ICT and literary creativity, among others. 

7. InnoEscuela, learn by innovating  

It is an educational program developed by Secondary Education Technology teachers and directed by the Cotec Foundation, which arises from a previous pilot project created in collaboration with Valnalón Ciudad Tecnológica and aimed at stimulating the spirit of innovation in students. The methodology used is Project-Based Learning (PBL) that uses digital tools with the aim of creating innovative business projects in the classroom. “Companies of 4 to 6 students are formed, who detect in their environment needs to be covered or problems to solve, generating new ideas to address them. 

8. Tablet Classroom  

This project, coordinated by Alfonso Espejo Rodríguez, professor at the Reina Sofía School in Madrid, aims for the student to become the protagonist of their own learning through Project-Based Learning (PBL). To develop this methodology, the use of tablets has been implemented in the classroom, according to the 'one to one mode. In addition, it allows to the integration of the informal and formal learning of the students. 

9. Creating 3D 

This project carried out by a professor at the BASE School in New York consists of working on the design and printing of a three-dimensional logo with 3rd-year ESO students in the subjects of Mathematics and Plastic and Visual Education. On the one hand, in Mathematics the objective is for students to learn, through the Geogebra program, movements in the plane (translation, rotation, axial symmetry, and central symmetry), as well as tessellation and mosaics. While in the field of Plastic they know how to build triangles and quadrilaterals, as well as know their classification and characteristics and the design of brands and logos. Also, learn how to get body views in the dihedral system, how to use the Autodesk 123D Design program, and how to use a 3D printer. 

10. Augmented reality applied to education 

In order to develop creative thinking and capture the attention of her students, a professor decided to implement more playful activities related to augmented reality. To tackle this work, he used three techniques: software, QR codes, and a mobile application capable of scanning. The students, through this dynamic, resolved questions such as what is the most appropriate platform to implement this experience according to the needs and available resources or what elements each of the platforms needs. 

11. PQSLM What are mates for?   

2nd ESO students have interpreted a blood test, have reviewed the purchase tickets, electricity and water bills, have paid traffic fines, have bought at the fishmonger, have collected the Christmas lottery ... within the subject of Mathematics. Thus, the students have virtually become independent - they went to live in a flat with two companions - to solve problems in everyday life. 

12. Biology Scrapbooks 

The main objective of this project is to know the classification of living beings in kingdoms, and the most relevant groups in which they are subdivided, as well as to identify their main characteristics. As secondary objectives, it is intended to develop the creative and artistic capacities of the students, as well as their competence in the search and critical management of information. The final product of the project consists of a pad of 20 cards. In this link, you can see the evaluation rubric.  

13. Work with iPad and not for iPad 

The use of this device improves classroom dynamics, cooperative work, student participation, motivation, etc. To do this, in addition to Apple's own tools to create content such as Keynote or Pages, others such as Nearpod are used, in which the whole class works at the pace set by the teacher and allows questionnaires to get immediate feedback on how it is going. the class and consider whether it is necessary to go back and emphasize some concepts. 

14. Kinect Physical Education 

To avoid the sedentary lifestyle of the students and using competition as an educational tool, we have proposed a tournament in pairs for each trimester: Kinect Adventures, which promotes an improvement in coordination skills and allows students to work and improve different basic physical qualities (strength, speed gestural and reaction, flexibility, etc.). With Kinect Dance Central, student disinhibition is encouraged, their physical condition improves, their self-esteem is strengthened and their creativity is developed; while Kinect Sports offers the possibility of achieving an improvement in sports technique within the classroom, which can later be used for the work of said sport in the real context. 

15. Traveling

Teaching XXI, new technologies, recycling, teamwork, Mathematics, the English Language, social commitment, solidarity, respect for the Environment. An experience that has marked a different way of working in the classroom between three teachers and a group of 1st-year ESO students.  

16. A Walk Through Maths 

It is a teaching and learning experience that has become the backbone of the Mathematics subject at the SEK Alboran International School. “In this project, the new technologies become the stick on which the student walks and advances without rest since they have many options to investigate. In addition, it is directed by the students, who are responsible for their own learning, with the completion of video tutorials and the development of research projects”.  

17. The number of diversification students  

From email to organizing files in the cloud, sharing tasks and teamwork, using 2.0 tools, participating in public and/or private social networks, and creating or curating content ... This is what students do in the Scientific-Technological Field of 3rd and 4th year of Curricular Diversification. And among the tasks they have carried out is the development of a collaborative blog with students from Extremadura and Brazil in which they have reviewed the flora and fauna both in the Extremadura area and in a very specific area of ​​Brazil. 

18.  Cooperative learning with ICT 

This experience on cooperative learning-based and developed with new technologies has meant organizing a classroom with 25 mini-laptops connected to the center's network, where students have developed their cooperative work, based on documents shared on Google Drive, blog, and wikis. Everything has been coordinated with teachers, parents, and students through a free website and the website of the Murcia Ministry of Education with the Aula XXI space.  

19. Opening the classroom 

This project focuses on the area of ​​Science, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Plastic, and the intention is to provide students with notes, newsletters, and some exams so that they can study at home. For this, a simple web page was created that included contents of Physics and Chemistry, and Mathematics. Subsequently, another work tool was used to facilitate the students' understanding, something useful against school failure. A tool controlled by teaching and aseptic staff, where the student could have all the necessary material for learning, support material to reinforce what has been learned and that serve in a similar way to what would be private classes, such as a website. 

20. Good practices in distance training in ESO and Baccalaureate 

It is a set of practices that allow overcoming the traditional concept of tutor and student of postal distance training, in favor of the creation of a community of teachers and students on virtual platforms that allow immediate communication. Thus, this set of good practices affect the design of the platform (how the members of the community relate to each other), the contents (sequencing of resources ...), the active and passive work of the teaching staff (contents that belong to the system regulated against resources generated by teachers ...), as well as the customs of the students.  

21. MobilePlafa. 1 × 1 mobile learning with Android tablets in a secondary school 

In this work, we use Android tablets (1: 1 mode) and we started in the 2012-2013 academic year. 250 students from 1st and 2nd of ESO are involved, who learn using the tablet as a tool and without paper textbooks. They use various apps, including access to digital books, online resources, and multimedia material developed by the teachers at the center. Creativity and learning of programming tools are encouraged, making students develop their own applications. All 1st and 2nd ESO students learn to create apps (using App Inventor) that they can view on their own devices. At the same time, from the TAC field, methodological research is promoted (with Flipped Classroom experiences, creativity, new evaluation models, or resource analysis). A compilation of Android apps for Secondary has also been made and the necessary training for students, teachers, and families has been designed. 

22. Teachers backward 

The initial approach is based on turning the class around as a way of changing the dynamics of the classroom and facilitating the teaching methodological change. Even so, it is not a change to continue doing the same but the other way around, but the objective is to make better use of classroom time by making students the protagonists of their learning with the teacher's guidance and guidance.  

23. Movies at School 

It is a project developed by the teaching community, which connects bilingual centers from different parts of the world to work on curricular content in different areas, basic skills, and languages, having as a common thread the viewing of a movie. Three editions of the project have already been held, which began as A Film Class and became Movies at School when it was decided to work on bilingualism. Three types of activities have been carried out: individual (they appear on the wall, they greet their classmates, they describe the most characteristic of their respective cities and schools, they help each other with the language ...); in groups formed by members of different centers; and by schools. The final product of the project is an audiovisual production that each school prepares and presents the rest through the network.  

24. A pedagogical innovation project  

From the Humanitas Bilingual School of Tres Cantos, we have developed a proposal in the Humanities department that allows the students, in addition to redounding in the contents of the Social Sciences subject, to display their autonomy, synthetic capacity, and representative ability. In this way, 2nd-year ESO students will be able to undertake the following academic stages with the guarantee of meeting the milestones they encounter throughout their trajectory and with the certainty of having the necessary instruments. It is an activity that is supported by ICT and the possibilities it offers both the teacher and the student. The dynamics are supported by individual work from an inquiring tone that allows the student to delve into the topics (referred to as the subject), which are more attractive and suggestive. 

25. Removal of architectural barriers of the Montserrat Roig Institute with Scratch for Arduino   

This technology project has consisted of the design and construction of a technological system to remove some of the architectural barriers of the institute. The contents of the curriculum were worked on and the importance of science and technology in the well-being of members of the educational community who have a disability was also shown. In addition, it was possible to sensitize students about the problem of physical disability thanks to the fact that the installation of their projects in the building will allow solving a real problem. In this link, it is possible to access the didactic unit.

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