Mind Trick

Viewers lets learn a mathematical game which you can apply to your friends as a game


Viewers lets learn a mathematical game which you can apply to your friends as a game ..

  1. First of all think of a number
  2. Then double that number
  3. Then add eight to it
  4. Minus half that number
  5. Minus the number you started it with

What do you think, what will be the number, please see the below


The game is created by Morris Mut,  The great Mathematician.

This is a trick of functional mathematics. Students always afraid in the subject of Math, most of the students failed to the subject in our public examination in Bangladesh. Actually student does not know how beauty has in math. If we learn it with joy it would be so easy and enjoyable.

No matter how weak we are in this subject just adopt it as a simple subject and do not take it as a very serious subject.

Okay, Come to the game....

Remember that always tell to add different number to your individual friends and the answer will be the half of your number as stated in no-3.


If you like this trick, please drop your comment in comment box.

Thanks for reading...


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