The Relationship Between Feelings and Learning

The Young Chronicle publishes only POSITIVE News around Science, Technology, Books, Sport, Discoveries, History, Stories


I had been wondering for a while, what would my first blog on this portal be about. 

While conversing with Ms. Geeta Dharmarajan, the founder of Katha, I realised that that the relationship between feelings and learning is is what our first post should be about. I felt our first post should be about the relationship between feelings and learning, about the connection between the facilitator and the pupil, about the connection between imagination and science, and about everything being a big large story- with small little stories interspersed in between. 

Trust me, you will love this conversation. 

Before we move on, here is a little about Katha: Katha is an organisation that has been helping children learn, through stories, since 1988.

I have been asked a number of times, if we are a Childrens newspaper company or a robotics company, or a STEM company or a teaching company… Here is the answer, we are a thinking company. We want our children to think, and there is no way a child can think in buckets and categories. We want thoughts and imagination to transcend subject barriers, because rasa and shastra cannot be separated. Science and Art cannot be separated. design and math cannot be separated.

Which is possibly why many ancient philosophers were also scientists, and many scientists were artists, and so on. It’s time that we offer the innovators of tomorrow, an education without set subject barriers, and let the explore and enjoy the rasa across shastras.  

P.S: this post was in already in the works before the New Education Policy (NEP) was released. But at the outset, I am happy that the government is looking at learning the way many educators and we at Katha, and at Curious Kids do. Stay tuned for my next post on the understanding and analysis of the NEP.

