A guide on how to write a decent essay

  • Is freeessaywriter.net legit? Don't write an essay that anyone else out of thousands of applicants can write, because they're likely to write it (and most likely to do so at this very moment).
  • Don't write about anything that might embarrass or irritate the reader. Of course, in order for the essay to be special, you must put a piece of yourself into it, but it should not embarrass the reader.
  • Don't try to "sell" yourself. Instead of convincing the university how great you are, it's better to just show them who you are, what's important to you, what moments in your life are key.
  • Don't try to write an "important" essay-a landmark statement on the Middle East, American race relations, or climate change. These essays tend to be much more impersonal than the author would like. Think about it, what can you say about the Middle East or climate change that they haven't heard before? But if your relative served in the army in Iraq, or if you are the leader of an environmental club at your school, that's a different story!
  • Don't try to write the perfect essay, one that will have the greatest impact and open doors to any university. Instead, think about how to convey a piece of yourself to the reader, how to "take a snapshot in words. Remember, too, that you can't fit your entire life into 500 words. You have to choose the most important things, the qualities you like and would really like to talk about.
