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There are 19 types of privileges for you to choose from. The choice of exiled actors is to choose from them. Here are some representative privileges.

For some people, this may be a shocking arrangement, and Deadeye is a good example of how power creep can make functions redundant. Deadeye’s Tailwind technician is a norm fan, he is a good guy. Doubling the action speed is a serious mystery, but in recent leagues, Tailwind has become easier to use outside of POE Currency.

Compared with "gathering wind" or "unlimited ammunition", knots such as "fast", "dead" and "strong precision" are uncomfortable. Deadeye still lacks reliable defense options and can only survive entropy-based avoidance statistics. For any bullet-based version, this is undoubtedly an interesting choice, but it lacks survivability and various blind spots, so its performance is poor compared to its opponents.

The charge of the Berserker and Blitzkrieg makes the Berserker good at causing absurd attack damage. They are also good at death. Adventurous players will face more deaths than Berserkers, but many softcore players will swear by Berserker’s huge damage multiplier.

The stronger the player's ability to evade attacks, the better this feature is. But any player who actively uses PoE knows that avoiding damage is not always possible. In those moments, the violent becomes harmful, so it is a bad choice among the irons.

Every Duelist perk organization is a good choice, and "Gladiator" is no exception. Any structure or important role based on bleeding will appreciate the benefits of gladiators. As gladiators, it is easy to reach the upper limit of 75%, but they can also pack large amounts of damage in the form of gratuitous explosions through gratuitous violence.

In other words, its limitations on physical attacks make the Gladiator less versatile than POE Orbs.
