Paint Bucket Mould Must Have Good Leak Resistance

Usually, paint buckets need to be transported long distances after filling paint from the company to the sales distributor


Usually, paint buckets need to be transported long distances after filling paint from the company to the sales distributor, so it is important to design the paint Bucket Mould well. To avoid any risk, each paint bucket must be waterproof and must pass a drop test.

 SHINE mold has rich experience in paint bucket mold design and paint bucket mold tools equipped with high-precision equipment. We can conduct mold flow analysis before manufacturing the mold. As you know, the balance of the wall thickness of the paint bucket is very important. If the paint bucket mold is eccentric, the paint bucket made with this mold will fail the drop test successfully. Therefore, mold wall and centering control is very important.

Secondly, with regard to leakage resistance, it is about the assembly between the paint bucket and the lid. Design is the most important.

SHINE mold considers your requirements and standards in the design process, and controls the quality and precision during the manufacturing process. We provide you with high-quality IML paint bucket molds, paint bucket lid molds, paint bucket handle molds, and we also produce Drawer Mould .

