Swap Bandos boots for Dragon ones

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The choices: 99 Prayer - Awesome cape! Really fun emote and it is a really fast cape to get. Upwards of RuneScape gold 750k exp/hour... Will utilize running to and from yanille bank to my friend's home for gilded altar, he'll be lighting (he's alching for 50M magical exp) 99 Magic and Summoning - 2 capes for more affordable than the 1 cape. Also a fun cape, very practical... Slower exp than prayer (including exploding time for charms). Will be bursting rock lobsters for charms. Anyways, pick and choose.

Prayer would likely be quicker and funner (because it does not require so long, which means you won't get bored.) . However, Summoning/Magic has a more usage's like dragon pets, vengeance, and all that great stuff. However, on the other hand prayer is useful in pvp you do not have to carry very many prayer potions (maybe just 1 dose) and you could probably do more prayers. But with Summoning/Magic you can summon Titan's and utilize Ancient Magics and people will not mess with you as frequently. But if it was me I would personally go with prayer.As for Dragon Legs, they are 800k over the skirt for the very same stats, and Torag's legs are much better if you do not mind paying for your upkeep. If you do, swap em out for skirt over thighs. But if you've got enough money, Bandos Tassets have MORE defense, give strength and prayer. So in short Bandos Chest/Legs are the best choices once you're able to afford them. But in case you can't, for now here are a few quick upgrade recommendations.

Swap Bandos boots for Dragon ones, Dragon are lighter, thinner, and provide strength. The RoW bonus is fair, and +4 constant strength is significantly more useful. Besides that, Fire Cape. The remainder of your gear is either the best that you can get or is the best that you can get til you can cheap OSRS gold upgrade to Bandos CP/Tassets.

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