I feel like pieces have improved up to the sport has regressed

I feel like pieces have improved up to the sport has regressed


I like the game but aside from a few changes, I feel that the Animal Crossing New Horizons Bells gameloop is becoming less energetic. I remember talking to villagers and them having me do chores and things for them. Now they give me repetitive lines.

I feel like pieces have improved up to the sport has regressed.

I'm 130 hours at btw.

In all honesty, I can not recall them asking lots favors. The only ones I get are the occasional"can you deliver this apology to a person" stuff. I remember in the past it was a lot more regular.

Just because folks are whining doesnt mean they dont like animal crossing matches, that is a false equivalency. I adore the AC series but this one just felt as fuck...

Hollow is a great way to explain it. It's lost a lot of the charm and magic the old games had (and still have)

It appears just from reading all the comments like the men and women who love really New Horizons and have no complaints are individuals who discovered Animal Crossing either with this particular game or with pocket camp.

Dude, the most outspoken critics and the top comments ARE those who enjoy monster crossing games. Half the time that they bring up old AC matches with more functionality/features. Read the damn remarks instead of skimming.

More diverse and meaningful interaction with villagers are a huge plus, as the villagers and their personalities is a massive attraction for me personally, kinda moreso than village/house customization. Decorating stuff is cheap Animal Crossing Bells probably the most fleshed out part of it but it's kinda delayed gratification, whereas playing or chatting with your villagers is content that's more immediately in front of you.

