Wrath of the Lich King Goes to 11

If you've been playing World of Warcraft and are currently enjoying it, then you should know that there are a number of exciting new raids in the game. There's the Icecrown Citadel, the Obsidian Sanctum, and the Frostwyrm Lair.


Wrath of the Lich King is a game that is causing quite a bit of excitement in the gaming world. In this article we will discuss a few of the main things that are going on in this new game. Some of these include the March of the Lich King Mega Bundle, Legendary Hero Skins and Horde scouts in Dalaran.

Heroic dungeons

Wrath of the Lich King is an expansion that introduces a number of changes. Among these is a new difficulty level for Heroic dungeons. The first dungeon you might want to try is the Violet Hold. This instance is located in Dalaran. It has seven bosses, and you should be able to complete it in about 20 minutes.

Another good Heroic dungeon to try is the KelAC/a,!a,C/Thuzad. The dungeon is a 25-man Heroic.

If you're looking to gear up before raiding, then a heroic dungeon is a great option. You can earn decent gear and reputation quickly. However, this does require a lot of preparation. The first thing you should do is figure out the dungeon's item level. This is the average level of all items you have equipped. Depending on the dungeon's difficulty, the item level may be higher.

Legendary Hero Skins

Legendary Hero Skins are new cosmetic items in Hearthstone. These special 3D portrait frames add flair to Heroes when they cast certain spells or minions.

Each Legendary Hero Skin features a custom Hero tray, animated 3D character model, unique voice lines, and custom emotes. They can be purchased for a range of gold or Magics. Some are available exclusively through Gold Pass, while others can be unlocked by spending real money. The best skins have a theme that affects their appearance and visual impact.

For the upcoming expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, Blizzard has revealed details about the Rewards Track. The track will feature a boatload of gold, 14 Golden cards, two random Legendary cards, and more. This rewards track will be replacing the current one, which is scheduled to start December 6. In addition to Legendary Hero Skins, players will also be able to earn a free Legendary card. Lor'themar Theron will be an Uncraftable Legendary and will be an instant legendary card when the expansion launches.

March of the Lich King Mega Bundle

The March of the Lich King is Hearthstone's biggest expansion to date. It introduces a new class, Death Knight, a new minion type called Undead, and a keyword called Manathirst.

To celebrate the launch of the expansion, players will be able to purchase a pre-purchase bundle. These special bundles will include March of the Lich King cards, an Arcane Dust pack, and two Signature Golden Packs. This is a very limited time offer.

Additionally, a new card will be available for free during a certain event. Players will be able to earn three non-Legendary cards for free during the same event.

Players can also earn one of the new Signature Cards. They are a new cosmetic quality that have stylized full-art graphics. Unlike regular cards, these cards cannot be disenchanted.

Horde scouts in Dalaran

Horde scouts are searching for a good landing site for their fleet in the Krasarang Wilds. This will enable them to begin construction of docks. The Horde are currently focusing on the small island off the coast. While in the area, players can encounter three Sewer entrances. One of them is in a building to the north of the city. Another entrance is in the southern part of the city. If the online users make use of this  website online, they can get information about Classic Gold.

Dalaran is the main city for both the Alliance and Horde in the Wrath of the Lich King Classic. It has a bank and major services. There are also several hidden features in the city. When you first arrive in Dalaran, you will have traveled through the eastern half of the continent. You should be at level 74.

Expansions in Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. It is the sequel to World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. This expansion will bring with it some major tweaks to the classic.

One of the biggest changes is the ability to level up to 80. Players can reach Level 80 with the help of two new classes: the Death Knight and Inscription. There are no prerequisites to create these new classes. Another major feature of this expansion is the new achievement system. This system tracks player achievements such as pet collecting, PvP kills, and mount collection.

Wrath of the Lich King will be included with all World of Warcraft subscriptions, including the World of Warcraft Classic. The second expansion, called Dragonflight, will arrive on retail WoW at the end of 2022.

