Adding jQuery to Your WordPress Website

Before we proceed to the main topic, added in the PHP development, let's discuss what exactly is PHP.


Before we proceed to the main topic, added in the PHP development, let's discuss what exactly is PHP. In general, words, PHP is one of the finest scripting languages designed for creating an eye-catching website for web development. This scripting language is embedded into an HTML source document and further a Web server interprets it with a PHP processor module for developing web pages. Additionally, this scripting language includes a command-line interface capability that is used in standalone graphical applications for free of cost. Previously, PHP was a contender of the Active Server Pages (ASP) server-side script engine of Microsoft and other languages, but as time passes it is greatly accepted by the millions of web servers and websites. Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, and MediaWiki are some well-known software that uses PHP.

It is also very often used in WordPress to simplify the front-end part of the website. Moreover, it is even added to WordPress by default. When you install a new template for your website, you may face a situation where, due to the old version of jQuery connected to WordPress, the additional functionality you need does not work. The solution to this problem, in fact, is not such a complicated one. To update WordPress jQuery, you just need to add a few lines of code. Nevertheless, there are some interesting nuances of working with this library. 

Framework in PHP:

Framework in PHP plays an important role to support the development of Web applications, Web services, and Websites. Mostly, developers are using the such framework to avoid unnecessary coding. It is also helpful for developing safe and steady applications and promoting RAD which helps to minimize the amount of monotonous coding. The framework is used by developers for reducing the amount of development. In addition, it also helps to write less code as a result development can be speedily done.

Types of PHP Framework:









Stratos and many more

Essential Components Tutorials of PHP

Combining the neat functionality of PHP using JavaScript, developers can easily create exceptional outcomes in the development. Here, you will find some important methods that help you to take subsequent moves in your development projects. Below you will find some of the necessary and well-popular components and tutorials that help to develop easy to configure website.

PHP components: Auto-suggest: With auto-suggest, developers can easily implement a search form by using MySQL and PHP.

Create Password Strength Meter: Looking at the popularity of web services, webmasters like to add 'Password strength meters' in their website, which looks like Google uses when creating a new account.

Animated Ajax Record Deletion Using MooTools: Using MooTools JavaScript functionality, developers can easily create a 'delete' option. If the webmaster doesn't like an item, s/he can delete it from the list. While deleting an item becomes red and disappears from the list.

Charts: pChart is one type of PHP class-oriented framework that is designed to develop aliased charts. For creating charts, data can be collected from CSV files, SQL queries, or provided manually by developers. This component is greatly accepted by the developers due to candy graphics and aliased algorithm.

Apart from the above given, remaining the most important components and tutorials are creating the first simple CMS, Developing a Login System for a Simple Website, Directory trees with PHP and jquery, Easy Pagination with PHP and Mootools, and many more.

Security Concern:

Whether you are writing any application or web page on the actual platform and operating system, security must concern on a primary basis. While writing any PHP applications, it is advisable to consider certain points like inserting validate input, confirming form posts, guarding your session data, file system, database, Cross-Site Request Forgeries, Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities, etc.


