How to Install Multiple Operating Systems on Your Windows PC

Many people are unaware that their Windows PC has the capability of running multiple operating systems. They assume that they are stuck with the operating system it came with. That isn't the case. This guide will walk you through the steps needed to install two different operating sy


Many people are unaware that their Windows PC has the capability of running multiple operating systems. They assume that they are stuck with the operating system it came with. That isn't the case. This guide will walk you through the steps needed to install two different operating systems on your Windows PC.

  1. 1
    Install VMware Workstation. This program will allow us to set up multiple virtual machines and use them concurrently with our local machine.
  2. Image titled Install Multiple Operating Systems on Your Windows PC Step 2
    Download Ubuntu. You will be mounting this OS in your VMware workstation so make sure it's an ISO file.
  3. Image titled Install Multiple Operating Systems on Your Windows PC Step 3
    Open Workstation. Select file > New > Virtual Machine
  4. Image titled Install Multiple Operating Systems on Your Windows PC Step 4
    Choose the option, Typical, then click next.
  5. Image titled Install Multiple Operating Systems on Your Windows PC Step 5
    Choose Installer disk file(iso)
  6. Image titled Install Multiple Operating Systems on Your Windows PC Step 6
    Enter your product key, no password is required here
  7. Image titled Install Multiple Operating Systems on Your Windows PC Step 7
    Download your second OS (Mac). Again make sure this is an ISO file.
  8. Image titled Install Multiple Operating Systems on Your Windows PC Step 3
    Open Workstation. Select file > New > Virtual Machine
  9. Image titled Install Multiple Operating Systems on Your Windows PC Step 5
    Choose installer disk file(iso)
  10. Image titled Install Multiple Operating Systems on Your Windows PC Step 10
    Both your Ubuntu and Mac operating systems are now displayed on your side panel. Click to run.


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